"The Study"
8 x 10

Another lesson from Kim English's workshop I'd like to share is his technique for mixing colorful shadow colors for white. I used the method to paint the shadows on the white shirt in the above painting.
Lay out on your palette ultramarine blue, permanent rose(I used alizarin) and cad yellow in a circle. Mix each color into each other to form a color wheel. The blue into the yellow, red into blue and red into yellow; which will give you your secondary colors. You can see Kim's palette in the photo above.
Next put a blob of white into the center and then pull all of the colors into it. Voila!!
I am glad you have got the title now, and thanks for the information on the neutrals. I was going to comment on them on the shirt, but got carried away with the naming thing and forgot to mention it!
It is a very successful painting.
thanks for your comment rolina - appreciate you taking the time.
thank you for sharing the technique!
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